Saturday, December 27, 2008

The End of the Experiment

Gifts aside I have gotten more out of the experiment than I ever anticipated. I truly feel closer to my man and more secure in our relationship. We weren't headed to Splitsville but we might have been on our way to monotony. The Five Love Languages gave me a reference point, a compass, and a flashlight. With those tools I was able to lead us into a better understanding of each other's true needs.

I know all the ladies are curious about the big gift. Well all but Ms. S because I was chatting with her when I figured out what it was. I can only say that Diamonds are Forever. It's not a ring but I did get some bling.


RunningMom said...

:) Did you get the earrings you had your eye on?

That book is still on my "to buy" list. God knows I need all the help I can get.

DorchestersDaughter said...

I did, I did. Lol. Now all I need is my Tiffany's necklace...maybe I can work that out for Valentine's day, lol