Tuesday, January 6, 2009

100th Episode

Man. I am amazed that I've devoted this much time to a project. 100 times I have sat at a computer and shared my thoughts, my fears, and my dreams. Thanks for rocking with me folks!

For a while I tried to find the perfect topic for my 100th post. Nothing really expressed how grateful I am for having this outlet or how thankful I am to have people who check in on me each day. I wondered how I could articulate the importance of freedom of speech truly is without boring you with a history lesson.

Monday, inspiration hit me...in the form of Running Mom; my fellow blogger has nominated me for the a blogger award. Her nomination is both flattering and encouraging. And like clockwork, the message behind the nomination was on time.

And now I will pay it forward. Francois De La Rochefoucauld said "It is easier to be wise for others than for ourselves."

The bloggers I have chosen to nominate are writers who have used their words to evoke thought and wisdom in others...even in jest.

Sista Toldja-The Pride of Bed Stuy

Naked With Socks On-A man who leaves very little to the imagination

Single Ma-The woman who makes my own money dreams seem attainable

-The blog whose name says it all

I am not too sure that any of my favs, with the exception of RunningMom, have ever stopped by but if you happen upon their blogs and decide to leave a comment (although you don't comment here, lol) ....let them know I sent them a lil shout out!
