Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Return to Sender

When we spend a long period of time with a significant other we acquire stuff; gifts, momentous, and the like. Even when the relationship does not last these things they've brought into our lives are constant reminders.

Do we give them back?

No. That's petty. Should we keep them? I don't know. Who wants constant reminders? And what if it is replaced by something nicer from the new s.o? You find yourself wearing a pretty cocktail ring so often that the new guy notices. He picks up an beautiful one and presents it to you as a gift. Is that license to toss the other one aside?

What about a sexy nightie? If a man buys you sexy lingerie for his own eyes is it ok to wear it for the new boo?

I thought about all these things the other day. The heat in our apartment has been non existent at best which meant the traditional tshirt and undies to bed was just not gonna cut it. I fumbled through the many pj sets I have and do not use, looking for the ultimate in comfort. Flannel.

And there it was baby blue capri pant with winnie the pooh (my absolute fav man on the planet). As I pulled them on I remembered the set was the highly coveted gift of the century, given to me a few years prior by an ex. Though I still adore these pjs I was almost hesitant to put them on because of how much I once loved them, and loved him for knowing I would.

I shrugged it off. "They're just pajamas" I decided as I slipped them on. When I emerged from the bedroom KB noticed right away. "Bringing Pooh back?"

Does he even know how much I once adored Pooh? Does he know all things Pooh were the go to gift for me at one point in life? Probably not. So he can't know my pjs came from a man. Would he be upset if he did?

All the mental rambling got be to thinking of all the other things I've collected from guys along the way. What do you ladies do with ex stuff? Return to sender?


DivineL♥ve said...

You know what I never thought about this...now that you bring it to my attention I have kept all gifts from the past and if they can be used in the future in the presence of another s.o I continue to use them because they do not have to know...I mean everytime you put on that article of clothing you may smile or frown and remember who gave it to you...I'm sure some of those boxers they wear came from an ex..lol and men most likely will not share their bizz...did you hear about the husband and wife going through a divorce and the husband wanted the kidney back that he donated to his wife...I wonder how they would respond to this post...hmmm

ecce pluvit said...

I purge as soon as it's officially over. I am way too nostalgic, and there's something about ex-wear that makes me feel dirty, like the Husband just *knows* who gave me what and all the naughtiness that ensued. And the truth is, he wouldn't care one bit, but I do. That said, I know about old t's, mugs, etc. that he has from ex's and it doesn't bother me at all. When we moved, he had an old t-shirt he was going to trash and I stopped him, shouting, "But, E----- gave that to you!".