As most women between the ages of 16 and 50 did, I saw the ultimate chick flick this weekend. For me, Sex and the City was filled with cheers, jeers, and even a few tears. (Sigh)Yes, I did tear up!
Beyond the amazing clothes and plot lines that had me on the end of my seat, this movie taught me a great deal about friendship between women. I have always gravitated more toward chummy relationships; dinner and a movie, a night in the club, carefree/drama-free fun. I have never been the type to wear emotion on her sleeve. Call me Estrogen Challenged; I simply have a hard time with the emotional attachment. I have no remedy for the broken hearted, down in the dumps, doe-eyed girl. It's always been a foreign language to me.

During the movie Carrie had some of her toughest trials in life and her girls were right by her side. They were her company in the honeymoon sweet, her movers, her go between, her everything. As I watched I found myself pining for friendships like this.
I immediately began scrolling my mental Rolodex for the friend who would spoon feed me yogurt when I refuse to eat, or tell the guy who broke my heart "I curse the day you were born".
Alas, I came up with a very short list. I've isolated myself from those types of women, and maybe it is because I am afraid they'd need a shoulder to cry on. I am in no way insinuating that I do not have good friends (because I definitely do). Nor am I saying that I am not a good friend to those who are in my life. But there is an emotional wall there and it does create distance. Until I watched the movie I hadn't thought about the way it affects my relationships. I hadn't thought about the have to be a great friend to have a great friendship.
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