Every single Bostonian blogger who is beaming as they write today's entry.

It's funny, as you get older winning means so much more than "I'm better than you". The road to triumph is now more meaningful than the trophy. This is a team that went from a 24-58 season to NBA Championship in one year.
This win is about resilience, determination, and will. That trophy symbolizes the ability to dust yourself off and try again. They've earned every ounce of their glory. When you see the look of indescribable pride in their eyes as they are asked to verbalize their feelings... it tugs at your own heart.
The team's victory resonates with me. It's made me accept that last year WAS hard but this year can be so much better. Change a few key players, play amongst the best, learn from past mistakes, train a little harder. Evolve. Grow. Be.
This is the City of Champions. It's become the place where any victory is attainable. Perfect place to call home. Perfect place to learn to be the best YOU.
I love your posts! So inspriational and/or thought-provoking.
Unfortunately, as much as I had beantown pride last night, I'm not sure if I agree that Boston is the "perfect place to learn to be the best YOU."
I am soo ready to get up and out this joint!
ha ha! i'm STILL leaving, lol
but I figure if I can make it here I can make it anyway...especially financially, lol
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